Stella's website

welcome to my homepage!

I got fed up with rich men ruining the internet, so I'm making my own space :P

This website is under construction. Please check back later for more fun stuff!

about me

hey I'm Stella and I built this website! I'm an anthropology PhD student from the UK studying how people's experiences of the seasons in Tokyo are being affected by climate change.

Aside from that I have a slightly outrageous amount of hobbies including crochet, indoor climbing, watching Coronation Street, and as of the Great 2025 Tech Bro Induced Internet Enshittification™, building websites I guess! I hope you enjoy poking around my little corner of the internet, small as it is!


28/01/2025: added the changelog, reformatted the buttons, changed colours especially dark mode, got the image in the 'about me' sidebar to wrap text on mobile

full width placeholder

half width placeholder

another half width placeholder